Trip Fontaine, Les Trucs u.a.
Trip Fontaine, Les Trucs u.a.
weitere Infos:
TRIP FONTAINEare dudenhofen's most respected and influential acoustic punk quintet. trip fontaine is sachsenhausen's answer to psychiatric chic! trip fontaine invented themselves by accident a while ago and are a) very close, b) very shambolic (in a tight-as-rude-things sort of way, though), and c) very shouty. they are a ROCK BAND - yes - they are NOT urban. An iconic, five man strike force on twenty-first century apathy, undoubtedly. LES TRUCS ...ein Vollplaybacktheater getarnt als zwei-mensch-synth-Orchester bestehend aus tobi von antitainment und charlotte von the latah movement G TUK ein-mann-8bit-screamo-elektro-geballer...zappelig, extatisch und mit fisher-price-kinderrecorder BULBUL crazy electroexperimental from vienna on exile on mainstream records 0 Kommentare zu diesem Event
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