VISUM Farewell Party
VISUM Farewell Party
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Ready for take offIt was an amazing semester, but all good things must come to an end. Check in and get ready for take off at Zimmer for the ultimate not-to be-missed Visum party. This Tuesday Visum gives you wiiiiiiiiiiings – offering Vodka Red Bull for €5! You can also try your luck at our wheel of fortune and collect as many airmiles as you can and get a free shot of your choice. Write your last good bye messages to Visum on our giant postcard and join the Visum Mile High Club! presale is over - but don't worry: we've about 200 TICKETS LEFT waiting for you to pick them up tomorrow night! don't miss VISUM's last party! And if you come before 11:15pm you can collect airmiles at our wheel of fortune and get a free shot of your choice! 0 Kommentare zu diesem Event
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