The Journey into Space (engl.)
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The Journey into Space (engl.) Werbeplakat
The Journey into Space (engl.)
Datum:Mi 29.05.13 Uhrzeit:19:30 Uhr - 20:30 Uhr
Location:Planetarium Mannheim Stadt:Mannheim
Veranstalter: Planetarium Kategorie:Kultur

Karteninfo:keine Angabe

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he Journey into Space

(English version of the planetarium show "Abenteuer Raumfahrt")


Experience the adventure of space flight in the Planetarium starting from the early days of rocketry across the cold war race to the moon all the way to future missions to mars! This fulldome-show is a mix of original imagery, live capture and computer animation. It covers the entire history of space exploration.

(Duration: 42 minutes)

For further information please contact the planetarium.
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Planetarium Mannheim
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