The Sensitives - Folk-Punk (Schweden)
![]() The Sensitives - Folk-Punk (Schweden)
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Das schwedische Ska-Folk-Punk'n'Roll Trio "The Sensitives" macht im Jungbusch Station! Aufgewachsen mit Bands wie Dropkick Murphys, Rancid, The Misfits, Ramones und vielen anderen Bands, bringen sie ihren eigenen energiegeladenen Stil in Mannheim auf die Bühne! Die Band selbst beschreibt Ihre Musik folgendermaßen: "If our music would be a recipe for cooking it would be something like this: * Take one big piece of punk rock * add a little bit of ska that makes it impossible to stand still * add a little bit of folk that makes it impossible not to sing a long * add a 3rd piece of rock'n'roll that will make you feel the moving bass lines, the groovy drums and the playfull guitar riffs and just fall in love! There you have the music that will make you forget about your daily problems, your asshole boss, the bullshit politicians and just live a little bit more for one night and reload the batteries to pick up the fight again tomorrow!" tives-062013.html 0 Kommentare zu diesem Event
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