NAAM & Parasol Caravan @ 7er Club
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NAAM & Parasol Caravan @ 7er Club Werbeplakat
NAAM & Parasol Caravan @ 7er Club
Datum:Mi 17.09.14 Uhrzeit:20:00 Uhr - 01:00 Uhr
Location:7er Club Stadt:Mannheim
Veranstalter: 7er Club Kategorie:Konzert

Karteninfo:keine Angabe

weitere Infos:
NAAM - Modern Psychedelia aus Brooklyn, NY

Formed in Brooklyn, NY by John Bundy, Ryan Lugar, and Eli Pizzuto, Naam released their first self-released EP Kingdom in early 2009. Many people took notice and NAAM was quickly signed to the renowned Tee Pee Records. In October of 2009, Naam released their debut self-titled LP, Naam via Tee Pee and proceeded to tour nationally, supporting acts like Nebula, Orange Goblin, Radio Moscow and The Entrance Band. In 2011, NAAM embarked on their first European tour, supporting The Atomic Bitchwax and appearing at the Roadburn Festival.
Later in 2011 they released a limited edition 7” of Nirvana covers, as they continued to tour both at home and abroad. May of 2012 saw the release of the highly anticipated Starchild EP followed by a headlining European tour. May of 2012 also saw the permanent addition of keyboardist, John Weingarten.
The bands second album "Vow" was released on June 4th of 2013 on Tee Pee Records. Naam toured in support of the album with a four month run of Europe, The United States and Canada. They later followed up with a further month of touring through Europe in Late 2013.

Parasol Caravan - Stoner/Heavy Rock aus Linz

Bei Parasol Caravan werden die Verstärker bis zur ultimativen Soundschmelze gepusht, die Gitarren bis zum Abwinken verzerrt und bis zur Erschöpfung in die Drums gehaut. Das räudige Stoner/Heavy Rock Quartett erschafft einen wahren Klangbastard, der sich irgendwo zwischen Progressive-Rock und den Größen des Desertrock einzureihen weiß. Der obligate psychedelic-Touch und die whiskeygetränkte Singstimme geben ihr nötiges dazu und verleihen dem musikalischen Gesamtkonstrukt den letzten, verfeinerten Schliff. Seit 2009 fegen die vier Linzer ausgiebig über die europäischen Bühnen und haben sich dazu verpflichtet ihren Idolen aus den 70ern zu huldigen, ohne dabei den Bezug zur modernen Rockmusik zu verlieren.

Naam are currently writing for their third album.
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Location: 7er ClubVergrößern
7er Club
Industriestr. 7
68169 Mannheim
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