VISUM Tatort Stammtisch
VISUM Tatort Stammtisch
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Münster, Hamburg, Leipzig , Ludwigshafen…- all of them have one thing in common: they feature as settings for the the series TATORT, the German equivalent of CSI. Every Sunday night Germans punctually at 8:15 switch on their TVs and enjoy one of the most typical parts of German culture. Next Monday we will bring the classical series to L3! Find out who how and when killed the victim in order to earn a free shot! So grab your Watson, Sherlock and join us for a criminal night!WHEN: Mon, 15 Sept 2014, 8:30pm WHERE: L3 Coffee Lounge SPECIAL: Double Time ("buy one, get one free" for all ladies until 9 pm) 0 Kommentare zu diesem Event
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