CTRL MVMNT 2 Years Celebration
![]() CTRL MVMNT 2 Years Celebration
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CTRL MVMNT & FATBOYS PRESENT CTRL MVMNT 2 YEARS CELEBRATIONwe are proud to say that after two years of running we are still here. back in collaboration with fatboys events from mannheim – both ours and yours great friends. 2 years, 2 floors! for our second anniversary, we introduce you to our special line up. say hello to ADA KALEH! his old & latest releases never fail! completely sold out or still on top of the decks.de charts! ada kaleh is hypnosis. ada kaleh is synaesthesia. ada kaleh is isolation in an eternal present. We are so looking forward to a groovy & smashing set by the guy from bukarest. SANDER DAVIDS is coming straight from groningen, netherlands. his genius in selecting stunning knock out beats and brings it to the floor every time, so do his on point mixes & online snippets! last but not least, SEDEE – we couldn’t resist the vibe of the two magicans from mannheim. you might remember the final set of sedee at our party with archie hamilton - mind blowing! support provided by our residents, we are glad you're there! ♥ nothing more to say than: COME BY AND CELEBRATE WITH THE FAM! WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO YOU! 0 Kommentare zu diesem Event
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