VISUM Welcome Party
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VISUM Welcome Party Werbeplakat
VISUM Welcome Party
Datum:Di 10.02.15 Uhrzeit:22:00 Uhr - 03:00 Uhr
Location:Alte Feuerwache Stadt:Mannheim
Veranstalter: Visum e.V. Kategorie:Unifeten

Karteninfo: Pre-Sale-Price: 6€

weitere Infos:
Don't miss our first VISUM Party this semester!
Raise your flag!
Show us that you are proud of your home country! Bring along your flag, paint your body with the colors of your country or wear the colors!
For a special, you let take a picture of yourself and your friends dressed as the flag of your homecountry. You will get the chance to win 4 tickets for our famous PubCrawl at half price! Voting will take place in our new Facebook-group for that. The picture the most Likes wins!
So buy your ticket at the presale and rock the party with us in the evening!

– first come first served –
PRESALE: 6 Euro, 09th Febr + 10th Febr, 12am @ Mensawiese

Specials: Frozen Margarita: 4 €
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